Spokane Attorney for Head & Brain Injury / Concussions

If you or a loved one have had a serious or high-speed accident – please consider whether there could be a mild to severe concussion, open, closed, traumatic brain, or other head injuries. In the ER, head injury symptoms are often overlooked or confused with other symptoms. Sometimes symptoms do not appear right away or become more evident over time.

If you think you may have a concussion, post-concussive symptoms, brain, or head injury, please look at the questionnaire below and call us to discuss your results.

  • Patient with Head Injury — Spokane, WA — Fannin Litigation Group

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You can injure brain tissue during an accident. Sometimes there is trauma to the skull. Other times, rapid acceleration and deceleration can cause injury to the brain. Brain injury can cause death or several mental, personality, physical, emotional, and other changes to the victim. Doctors can sometimes confirm brain injury through MRI imaging of the brain or clinical testing and observation. Recovery can be complete or incomplete. Often, various types of therapy are employed, including speech, occupational and physical therapy.

Often, doctors measure the degree of head injury by loss of consciousness, the length of time that a person was unconscious, the degree of lost consciousness, and the extent of post-accident amnesia.

Sometimes, in the case of a very severe accident, the victim has suffered from a head injury. People suffer from a mild head injury and are entirely unaware. If you have had an accident, please complete the following questionnaire.

Fannin Litigation Head Injury Questionnaire

Please note that the symptoms associated with a head injury are often more accurately seen by those around the victim. For instance, increased irritability can be a symptom. Often, we may not recognize a sign like that, but others around us may. Being in an accident is stressful. It can increase irritability, so you must consider all the questions below and seek immediate help if you think you might have head trauma. Regardless, the victim may take this questionnaire, but so may a loved one on behalf of the victim. We do not intend for this questionnaire to diagnose or treat any medical condition.

Immediate Problems

  • When was your accident?
  • Did you strike your head against something?
  • If not, did your head rapidly accelerate, decelerate, or both?
  • Did you suffer any visible injury to your face or head?
  • Did you lose consciousness? (For how long and how deep?)
  • Were you dazed or confused following the accident?
  • Do you remember the accident? If not, for what time (minutes, hours, days, etc.) have you forgotten?


  • Do you have headaches following the accident?
  • How long following the accident did they start?
  • How often do you get them?
  • Where on your head do you get them?
  • How long do they last?
  • What triggers them?
  • What helps them?
  • Are they a dull ache or a sharp pain?
  • Do you have a history of similar headaches before the accident?


  • Double Vision or Blurriness?


  • Are you having memory problems you attribute to the accident? If so, please describe.
  • Do you have difficulty comprehending or remembering what you just read?
  • Do you have a hard time coming up with the right words when speaking?
  • Do you get confused?
  • Are you having a difficult time following direction (written or spoken)?
  • Do you have difficulties staying focused on any one task?

Mood Disorders

  • Aggressive?
  • Short Temper?
  • Angry?
  • Depressed?
  • Anxiety?
  • Irritability?
  • Paranoia?
  • Sleeplessness?
  • Social Isolation?

These and many other symptoms that make you different than how you were before the accident may suggest that you have suffered from a brain injury, head injury, or concussion. You should speak with a qualified Spokane attorney to get help with this immediately.

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